Welcome to The Motor City Underground

Motor City is a hotspot for mechanoids from all over the planar realm. Known for its elaborate roadways, its compounded infrastructure peels back to the older framework the lower you go. Built into an old quarry, the depths of the labyrinth are lined in stone and steel. No matter day or night, the glow of the underground seeps up from below through its many paths and grates.
I've had my fair share of underground races, n-not that I participated in them or anything! You gotta be in the know to know- and there are some real gems in the up-and-coming that just need the opportunity to really shine. I've always been one to root for the underdog.

Your Friend in the Booth

Before I wound up in this shell, I served the Quarry Keepers on their 4th division as a structure specialist. It's less cool than is sounds: my job was to make sure mechanoids weren't stealing rocks- rocks! The ones down there aren't even cool ones! Worst of all, it was the same rocks I was guarding that did my old shell in! The only positive of that predicament is that I have a more exciting workload... but I have to wonder what caused that cave-in...
Now my booth-mate Ballast and I broadcast the many races up in the PVR. It's a bit of a shame too, the city is gearing up to drop another structure layer, and like last time, we'll probably have to pack it up and gamble for a new spot. Shows just aren't as popular if you can't see the sky.

You must be new to the Planar realm. Here, mechanoids are like hermit crabs; so long as you have energy in your core and stay clear of rain, you can jump to any new compatable body that you seek fit. Some are more choosy than others, but I took the first one I could get my hands on. Of course she was really dinged up, but a few favors and some paint always does the trick! Let's just hope I don't run into the old inhabitant looking to collect what they abandoned.

Root and Terrace

These are my plants! I have two of them I try to water every day. Sometimes I forget and then I lose my streak. It's one of those gatcha games that encourage you to get more of them and mutate them, but I don't really have the time for that. It's based off of this old horror movie called 'Spreading Green' where these green slow-moving aliens called 'plants' slowly take over a rocky area. Mechanoids thought they were so cute that there's been a few spinoffs and games made. Every now and then you will see someone with a plant keychain or sculpture, and I'd be lying if I didn't think of getting one that looks like Terrace.

Body Builds and Mods

Us Mechanoids come in a variet of shapes and sizes. Not a whole lot of them look like me lest they are cosplaying, most of them are practical. I'm not saying no one has fun mods, but what Im saying is that it can take some getting used to. Mechanoids come in 5 model types: Type A, B, C, D, and E. Autobody Co. made the type-chart to help with part selection some 200 years ago and since then it's been used in everyones IDs.

Glitter Gang and the Forklifts

They've become a real thorn in my side as of late... The Glitter Gang was founded by some punk kid who's predecessor ran the 'CnC' with the expressed goal to 'unify, even out, and uplift the working class' under their juristiction (That's corperate speak for 'Union Busting'). CnC had a huge plan to flatten the city, crushing anyone who didnt comply with moving to smitherines. Thankfully the Keys didnt side with CnC, but the idea is still out there. Now these jokers are playing with acids; It's the same proposition in a coat of rust orange paint.
I'm all for fixing infrastructure, but there's gotta be a better way than a bandaid fix. I know I know, it's all about the bottom bolts. Look, as long as nothing gets in the way of my job, what problem is it to me?

Lore updates will come sporatically! Check back in at a later date!